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Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA)

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF II)


On December 27, 2020, 美国总统签署了《十大正规赌平台平台》, 2021 (CRRSAA). 教育部获得了额外的资金,分配给高等教育机构,以防止, prepare for, 并通过高等教育紧急救援基金第二期(HEERF II)应对冠状病毒.

康考迪亚大学欧文分校是HEERF第二阶段资助的2,726,592美元的受益者. 至少861,799美元将用于在2021年春季向学生提供直接援助. Concordia University Irvine 承认该指令已使用CRRSAA (a)(1)项下指定的申请资金金额提供紧急财政援助赠款的证明和协议.

Approximately 3,600 students are eligible to receive emergency grants, 哪些可以用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分,或用于因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or child care. These funds may be used to pay tuition.

Eligible students在春季学期(2021年春季课程在2月14日之前开始)或冬季学期注册学位课程(一个或多个学分)的学生将进入资格池. Priority will be given to students with exceptional need, both in selection order and in the size of the grant. FAFSA results are the primary way to identify students with exceptional need.

Non-eligible: International and DACA students are excluded from receiving emergency grants. If eligible, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的学生将通过直接存入档案中的银行账户或通过支票收到资金. 这笔款项将以与学生目前从康考迪亚大学欧文分校收到的款项相同的方式发送.e. payroll, reimbursement or refunds).

Students with exceptional need exceeding their initial grant, international students, and DACA students may apply for a Concordia University Irvine CRRSAA emergency grant, which will be paid from the institutional portion of the funding. Due to the high demand and limited availability of emergency funds, not all students who apply will receive an emergency grant. More information regarding this process will be available shortly. To expedite receipt of funds, we recommend students sign up for direct deposit and/or verify that your mailing address is accurate in MyRecords.

CRRSAA Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CRRSAA?

The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSSA) was signed into law on December 27, 2020 by the President, which authorized $81.88 billion in support for education in addition to the $30.75 billion provided last spring through the Coronavirus Aid, Recovery, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

How is the CRRSAA different than the CARES Act?

与《菲律宾十大网赌网站》不同,该法案要求向学生提供紧急补助金,用于支付与冠状病毒相关的中断费用, the CRRSAA requires that institutions prioritize students with exceptional need, such as students who receive Pell Grants, in awarding financial aid grants to students. However, 学生不需要仅仅是佩尔奖学金获得者或有资格获得佩尔助学金的学生. In addition, CRRSAA法案明确规定,可以向专门参加远程教育的学生提供助学金.

Do I need to apply for the HEERF II emergency grants?

If you are an eligible student (non-international, non-DACA), no, 您将根据确定的整体资金分配自动获得HEERF II紧急拨款. 

如果你是一个不符合条件的学生(国际学生或DACA)或有特殊需要比你最初的补助金, you will have the opportunity to apply for a CUI HEERF II emergency grant. More information regarding this process will be available shortly. 同时,我们建议学生注册直接存款,以加快资金的收到.

Are international students eligible for HEERF II grants? 

No, however, 救济基金将有一个单独的程序,通过救济资金的机构部分提供紧急赠款. More information regarding this process will be available shortly.

Are DACA or undocumented students eligible for HEERF II grants?

No, however, 救济基金将有一个单独的程序,通过救济资金的机构部分提供紧急赠款. More information regarding this process will be available shortly.

Are student enrolled in an exclusively online program eligible for HEERF II grants?

Yes, CRRSAA法案明确规定,可以向专门参加远程教育的学生提供财政援助补助金.

How much emergency grant can I request?

整体资助将用于获得HEERF II资助的学生,资助金额由100元至1,500元不等.

How will students receive funds?

CUI学生将通过直接存入档案中的银行账户或通过支票收到资金. 这笔款项将以与学生目前从CUI收到的款项相同的方式发送.e. payroll, reimbursement or refunds). 


Are there enrollment requirements?

Yes. 你必须在2021年春季或MCAA冬季学期注册,才有资格获得CRRSAA紧急拨款.

Will emergency cash grants be applied to my current Spring 2021 bill?

而CUI不允许自动将紧急补助金申请到学生帐户, 学生如有结余,可使用该基金支付本学期的学费. If the student does not currently have an outstanding tuition balance, the grant can also be used to pay tuition in future semesters.

Do students have to repay HEERF II emergency grants?

No. Emergency grants are a grant from the federal government. It is not a student loan and does not have to be repaid.

Will CRSAA funds be taxable income for students?

No. Similarly to the CARES Act emergency grants, these emergency funds provided to students will not be considered as taxable income. 正如美国国税局与《菲律宾十大网赌网站》有关的规定:“根据《菲律宾十大网赌网站》,紧急财政援助拨款用于意外开支, unmet financial need, 或因COVID-19大流行而导致校园运营中断的相关费用……是《菲律宾十大网赌网站》第139条规定的合格救灾支付. This grant is not includible in your gross income". 

我在哪里可以找到CRRSAA提供的HEERF II资金的更多信息?

Please visit the Department of Education’s website, which lists frequently asked questions regarding HEERF II.

Funding & Expenditure Reporting

Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), Concordia University Irvine received (or anticipates receiving) $2,726,592美元通过高等教育紧急救济基金第二期提供的资金, 并已签署并交回所要求的认收书,承诺提供不少于$861,799美元的紧急拨款直接用于那些生活和教育受到冠状病毒爆发影响的学生.

确定哪些学生可以获得紧急助学金,以及根据CRRSAA第314(a)(1)条,他们将获得多少助学金, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校为符合第四章(联邦援助)条件的学生创建了一个分配公式,该公式结合了教育部的指导方针, Pell Grant eligibility, and enrollment in the spring 2020 semester. Priority will be given to student with exceptional need, both in selection order and in the size of the grant. 特殊需要将使用以下公式确定:出席费用减去预期家庭捐款(EFC)减去所有来源的总捐赠援助=剩余需要. Groupings of students will be created based on remaining need. 


整体拨款将用于分配第二期高等教育基金100至1,500美元的补助金.  Approximately 3,600 students are eligible to receive emergency grants, 哪些可以用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分,或用于因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health

Emergency Grants to Students under Section 314(a)(1) of CRRSAA
Total Amount of Funds Received $861,799
Total Amount of Funds Distributed $861,799
Estimated Total Number of Eligible Students 3,600
Total Number of Students Who Have Received an Emergency Grant


Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting

Originally posted on April 16, 2021
Updated on August 18, 2021

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