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California Coaches Conference

Concordia University Irvine

June 24 - June 28, 2024



康考迪亚大学欧文分校的教练硕士课程邀请您参加我们一年一度的加州教练会议. 向全国各级教练和体育管理人员开放, 这个为期一周的活动在我们美丽的南加州校园举行. Over 5,000名校友选择了康考迪亚大学的研究生体育学位-这次会议给你机会体验课程, character, and community that we’ve created.

参加我们的2024年加州教练会议,有机会与其他教练和管理人员建立联系, 从业界知名的主讲人那里学习专业技巧, 参加针对你的运动项目的面对面培训, and much more.



Here’s what attendees can expect this year:

  • 在加州尔湾的校园里进行为期5天的互动课程
  • Live In-Person Instructions and Presentations
  • 4 Keynote Speakers
  • Sport Specific Class Offerings
  • Sport Specialized Off-Site Visits
  • Athletic Director Round Table Discussion
  • Hot Topics Discussion
  • Lodging Available - please contact Rochelle at [email protected] for more information

2024 Keynote Speakers

Carl Cheffers

Carl Cheffers

NFL Referee

Rob Wigod

Rob Wigod


Brooke Nicholson

Brooke Nicholson ’12, MCAA ’17

Mission Viejo High School Athletics Director

Carl Galloway

Carl Galloway, MCAA '09

Vista Murrieta High School Athletics Director

Conference Rates & Packages


Individual Attendees


Entire Coaching Staff


Per Graduate Credit
(4 total units)


MCAA Alumni

Sport-Specific Breakout Sessions



Baseball & Softball

本课程将提供先进的训练,以提高棒球和垒球的教练. Theories, 战略和最佳做法将包括:规划, organizing and conducting quality practices; hitting and pitching mechanics and fundamentals; offensive and defensive strategies; baseball and softball specific strength and conditioning; college recruiting and professional scouting elements. 整个课程将有客座讲师和现场演示. 要求课堂出勤率以及参与出勤前和出勤后的在线学习要求.


请目前在该领域工作的专家分享他们的最佳实践, 本课程将帮助篮球教练发展他们的教练理念, team building, 以及教练策略,包括规章制度, team defense, special situations, fundamental offensive and defensive drills, strength and conditioning, and more. 要求课堂出勤率以及参与出勤前和出勤后的在线学习要求.


在课堂和球场上使用高中和大学水平的教练, 本课程将为足球教练提供机会,增加他们对足球项目的操作知识,包括特定位置的训练, 进攻和防守的组合和策略, recruiting process, and situational coaching. 要求课堂出勤率以及参与出勤前和出勤后的在线学习要求.


通过课堂学习和实际应用, 本课程将提供先进的训练,以提高高尔夫教练的理论研究, strategies, history and etiquette of the game, proper mechanics, and teaching/recruiting techniques. 要求课堂出勤率以及参与出勤前和出勤后的在线学习要求.


通过课堂教学和实践指导以及嘉宾演讲,本课程将为足球教练提供建立教练理念的工具, assist with program development, and continue with professional growth. The course will include practice planning; technical vs. tactical training; cultivating relationships with administrators, parent groups, and officials; and preparing players for the next level. 要求课堂出勤率以及参与出勤前和出勤后的在线学习要求.

Strength & Conditioning

Through the study of principles of strength, flexibility, power, and cardiovascular conditioning, 学生将学习构造和应用条件反射程序.

Track & Field

课程基础广泛,涵盖了管理和技术培训的所有关键方面. 技术部分用专门为本课程创建的相关视频进行说明, to enhance clarity and understanding.


This course will provide volleyball coaches with advanced training in volleyball including coaching philosophy; difference in the men's and women's games; training techniques in practice; coaching strategy; use of technology; sand volleyball; and running of high school, club, and collegiate programs. Various skills such as attacking, blocking, setting, defense, passing, and serving will also be covered. 要求课堂出勤率以及参与出勤前和出勤后的在线学习要求.

目前注册的MCAA/MSCE学生可以通过MyRecords注册任何一门体育特定课程,参加加州教练会议. Structurally, 课程为期一周(6月24日至6月28日),上课时间为上午8点至下午5点. 学生将获得4个学分的选修课程.如果您有任何问题或想了解更多信息,请联系卢佩·瓦尔迪维亚, Academic Advisor at: [email protected]


Join The Conversation


Contact the California
Coaches Conference

please direct any questions to:

Rochelle Short

Rochelle Short, MCAA ’16
Assistant Director
[email protected]

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