

就业中心 & 职业

第一年|探索 & 意识

作为一名大一学生, the goal is to start identifying your interests, 技能, 激情, 和力量. Now is the perfect time to gain self-awareness, 探索的机会, 发现神对你的呼召. Below is a checklist of steps to take towards launching your 4 Year Career Roadmap.

  • Complete a self-assessment tool and explore results with a career coach.
  • 探索 关注2 results in INT 100 or with a career coach.
  • 连接 your interests to a major, and consider your desired lifestyle.
  • Begin career exploration with “What Can I do with this Major?”
  • Talk with professors and personal contacts in your interested career field.
  • Log in to Handshake and create a profile to search for future jobs and internships.
  • 在社交媒体上关注我们.
  • Attend workshops such as Student Success Workshops

罗马书12:2 - Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

职业准备 Competencies to Work On:

Career Management | Oral + Written Communication | Critical Thinking



自我意识 is about doing a realistic appraisal of yourself and is the starting point for career 规划. 在此步骤中,您将:

  • Identify your interests, 技能, 值, 的优势, and personality types.
  • Determine how these important factors influence your career decision(s) and satisfaction.
  • Learn the areas in which you need to improve, gain knowledge, or experience.

畅销书作家和心理学家, Daniel Goleman, states in his research on Emotional Intelligence that 自我意识 concerns knowing one’s internal states, 首选项, 资源, 和直觉. The 自我意识 contains three competencies:

  • 情感意识: Recognizing one’s emotions and their effects.
  • 正确的自我评估了解自己的长处和不足.
  • 自信: A strong sense of one’s self-worth and capabilities.

Understanding who you are can better help you discover your vocation in where and how you want to serve in your work. Below you will find self-assessment tools to help you identify your interests, 技能, 的优势, 值, 并将他们与职业联系起来.




阀瓣over top five 的优势 and how to work from a place of strength to thrive. 联系 a career coach to gain an access code for $10.




阀瓣over your personality type and gain clarity about who you are, 你做什么, 你爱谁, 你能带来什么不同. 免费的.




Understand natural 首选项 in what energizes you and tactics in how you approach work, 规划, 以及决策.




探索 personal interests, 技能, and 值 with majors and careers. 发现你的职业准备. 所有本科生免费.




Personality assessment tool that helps you discover personal motivation, 应对冲突, 压力, 以及解决问题的能力. 在书店购买代码.


探索 areas of interest and study to research majors, 你想上的课程, 职业道路. Visit the Career Center website and explore "这个专业我能做什么?", 研究职业选择, 申报专业, 与你的学术顾问见面, login to Handshake to start getting familiar with how you will upload your resume, 找一份工作或实习, 查看即将举行的活动.


Most students change their major at least once before graduation. During the first two years, many students are still learning about their interests 和力量.

Studies have shown that students who declare a major by their second year in college have an increased probability of graduation.

探索 本科专业 that are offered 在欧文的康考迪亚大学. 看:

  • 学生奖状
  • 课程
  • 校友的成功
  • 机会
  • 教师


使用“这个专业我能做什么??” to explore different majors that interest you and look at the following:

  • 常见职业领域
  • 典型的雇主
  • 职业生涯策略
  • Links to additions information on Professional Associations, 职业展望手册, 相关资源, 及就业机会


Set up a meeting with a Career Coach to explore options.

通知一个 学术顾问 if you wish to change your major, minor, and/or program, and complete the “Change of Major” form.


Gather accurate information about careers to become an “information expert” in the fields you are considering.


There are thousands of 资源 available out on the web, so it can be challenging to know which sites are legitimate. The following links are 资源 that set the standard for providing comprehensive information about occupations:

  • 学习如何成为
    Provides details into 45 of today’s most popular career fields (including accounting, 工程, 护理, 消防, 财务建议, 和教学).
  • O *网在线
    Provides detailed insight into job outlook, 技能, 任务, 教育, 工作环境, 工资和工作区域.
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - 职业展望手册
    Describes and lists hundreds of different occupations.
  • CareerOneStop
    由联合国赞助.S. Department of Labor, this website provides videos and reports on careers.
  • 生活费用计算器
    Compare job salaries in up to 4 cities alongside the national median.


  • How much training or 教育 is required to enter and advance in this career?
  • Do jobs in this career area exist where I live? If not, where do they exist, and do I want to move there?
  • What are the 技能, 值, and personal traits of the people who are successful in this career?
  • What are the daily responsibilities and 任务 involved in this work?
  • Will the salary and benefits meet my needs?
  • 就业市场前景如何?


参与 & 经验

