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A Response to the Events of January 6, 2021

January 07, 2021 - 5 minute read

Borland-Manske Center skylight cross

Dear Students and Colleagues,

On January 6, 2021年,世界惊恐地看着美利坚合众国国会大厦被攻破,这是历史上第二次. This time it was not by foreign troops but by our own citizens. 这群暴民试图破坏国会计算选举人团选票的宪法职责. 这个认证过程是世界上最古老的民主共和国权力和平过渡的最后一步. What happened is inexcusable, 每一个在这次暴动中违反美国庄严法律的人都应该被绳之以法.

The United States of America is a nation of laws. 每个公民都有权向其代表和法院请愿,提出他们寻求纠正的冤屈. 冲击世界上最大的审议机构以阻止这一认证, not through petition but through violence, 泪水深深渗入了这个国家的肌理, alas not always perfectly, for nearly 250 years.

在昨天的入侵中,有许多引人注目的画面——参议院议事厅外的一面联邦旗帜, Representatives donning gas masks, 拿着武器的国会警察——但在我的脑海里,有一幅画面是最引人注目的. 一名身穿战术装备的男子悬挂在美国国会议会厅的阳台上.S. 在美国国玺背面的两句格言之一的题词前: Annuit Coeptis (“He [God] favors [our] undertakings.”). I would surmise, based on Romans 13, 我们的主不喜欢昨天发生的事.

五百年前,马丁·路德掀起了一场对西方文明的催化性改革. 宗教改革的原则改变了神学、教育、经济和政治. 人们多次争论说,宗教改革产生了导致启蒙运动的概念,而启蒙运动反过来又为美国革命和最终起草宪法提供了思想基础.

美国政治实验的一个关键原则可以在路德的著作中找到. Interpreting Biblical texts such as Romans 13, 路德明白,公民政府是上帝的礼物,是用来作为和平的工具. 政府的职责是建立和维持和平,阻止邪恶,为公民提供一个环境,让他们活出上帝的诫命:爱我们的邻居. This is accomplished, in part, by living peaceably, honorably, and respectfully under the established temporal government, 尤其是一个允许和平上访的地方.

我们的国家正在遭受严重的伤害,社会结构正在被拉长. We have seen the ravages of the pandemic, the reckoning of the racial justice movement, the bitterness of the 2020 election season, 无政府状态和非理性暴力在许多美国城市的街道, etc. 作为尔湾康考迪亚大学的教职员工和学生,我们应该怎么做? Where do we go from here?

Tip O’Neil, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, famously said, “all politics is local.我鼓励康考迪亚大学欧文分校记住这些话. 虽然我们国家面临的挑战似乎势不可挡,但这个国家最终还是属于我们自己. 欧文康考迪亚大学是一所路德基督教大学,培养智慧, honorable, and cultivated citizens. 为此,我建议全体公民履行我们的使命,爱邻如爱己. 但在这个分裂和痛苦的时刻,这具体意味着什么?

A few years ago Rev. Dr. 查德·莱克斯和我起草了一份智力和社会契约,我想向全体教员推荐, staff, and students of Concordia University Irvine. 它以一个简单的前提开始,这个前提植根于我们基督徒的爱和对彼此进行公民对话的承诺,然后是对信条的承诺. I believe that a pledge such as this has the ability, if we commit to it communally, 为我们的社区提供治疗,并为解决即使在康考迪亚大学欧文分校也经历过的许多不满提供建设性的途径. As the Great Commission University, 我希望这种精神也能从这座山散发到我们的社区, state, and nation.

An Intellectual and Social Contract for Civil Dialogue

At Concordia University Irvine we consider and critique ideas. Simultaneously, 我们坚韧不拔地抵制批评那些坚持这些观点的人的诱惑. Therefore, we pledge to one another the following:

  1. We will thoughtfully consider, discuss, debate, critique, and explore all ideas in accordance with the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty for the welfare of our neighbors, 这是路德教知识传统的基本特征吗.
  2. 我们将在所有调查中保持开放和诚实,并意识到我们可能会放弃以前的立场,并采取新的想法.
  3. We approach all inquiries with humility, 充分认识到我们自己在思想上是不完美的, words and actions.
  4. 我们将致力于关心和款待我们的同龄人, most especially those who harbor convictions different from our own.
  5. We will maintain a character of civility, charitably putting the best construction on what others say and do, and measure our speech in all dialogues.
  6. 我们首先关心的是别人,而不是自己, that is, 我们将努力倾听,主要是为了理解他人的立场, not to react or respond.
  7. We will always have forgiveness on our lips, 因为我们知道,艰难的对话有时会产生意想不到的冒犯, which need gentle correction, patience, and the gift of Christ’s forgiveness.

It is my hope that our faculty, staff, 学生们可以在这个项目上共同努力,作为一个社区,建立并致力于社会和智力契约. It is my prayer that we, the citizens of Concordia University Irvine, 在过去几个月里撕裂我们国家的局部伤口能愈合吗. 我恳求上帝通过正义为我们的公民带来和平与治愈, forgiveness, 通过他在美国各地的追随者的手和脚来实现和解.

Pax Domini,

Dr. Michael Thomas

Michael A. Thomas, Ph.D.
President, Concordia University Irvine

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